Tags archives: International Worship Center
One of the reasons the devil is afraid of you understanding the message of the kingdom it’s because kingdom authority and power ousted him from heaven. Michael the chief military angel lead the offensive against Lucifer and his angels and the Bible says, there was found no plac... [read more]
John 3:3-6
The bible teaches that the kingdom of God is God's power in operation. Paul wrote in 1st. Corinthians 4:20 "for the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power". Jesus taught his disciples to pray and to request of the Father that "the Kingdom of God will come to ea... [read more]
We are people-oriented business. We offer services of a wide range of various category of people. Particularly the oppressed, broken and bruised. Thorough our services people needs are met: spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental. This ministry believe in empowering people... [read more]