Evangelism is our effort to bring the unsaved to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus, to strategically employ those methods that will effec... [read more]
To provide knowledge and a reasonable understanding of the subject maters presented.
To address the spiritual need... [read more]
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Church pastor
Founder/ Senior Pastor
Dr. Frank Rosewelt is the Founder, President, Visionary, Senior Pastor and Bishop of the International Worship Center & Faith Ministries... [read more]
Church pastor
Pastor Hope Rosewelt is a Teacher of the Word, an Intercessor, a Prayer Warrior and a virtuous woman of God. “Pastor Hope” or “Sis. Hope” as... [read more]
Pastor's Blog
One of the reasons the devil is afraid of you understanding the message of the kingdom it’s because kingdom authority and power ousted him... [read more]
John 3:3-6
The bible teaches that the kingdom of God is God's power in operation. Paul wrote in 1st. Corinthians 4:20 "for the kingdom of... [read more]