Usher Ministry

Mission Statement

The Usher Ministry personnel are the representatives of the general character of the local church.
Statement of Purpose

To maintain order & decency, act as a host for God, do the work of evangelism, serve the members of the local body of believers, and promote public relations of the local church.
Ministry Goal

To convey to the visitor and member, a favourable impression of the local church; to make the people feel that the church is interested in them, that its members are kind and friendly, and that the things the church stands for demand his/her respect and should have his/her support.
Who is an Usher?

An usher fulfills the role of a “helper” or “minister” to the Pastor or Speaker and to the congregation serving as unto the Lord. He/she is a “minister”, called of God with a vision and burden for the ministry and equipped with the skills, talents, wisdom and knowledge to carry out the calling which God has placed upon his/her life.
What we aim to accomplish

From its relation to the worship service, we see the real purpose of church ushering. Being itself an act of worship, its purpose is to assist in, and to promote, the worship of God. This includes the following:

  • Maintaining order and decency
  • Acting as host for God
  • Doing the work of evangelism

Acts 6:3-5; 1Timothy 3:8-13